Woman who dropped 25 kilos, shares 6 lessons she learnt on weight loss

Brittany McCrystal is an Instagram user and a weight loss coach who went through a drastic weight transformation and dropped 25 kilos. Brittany, on her Instagram profile, keeps sharing snippets of her impressive weight loss journey. From her weight loss diet to the workout regimen that she followed to lose the extra kilos, Brittany’s Instagram profile is replete with useful information, tips and hacks for faster weight loss. Also read | Woman who dropped 25 kg during weight loss shares 4 realisations that changed her fat loss journey

Brittany McCrystal is a weight loss coach who lost 25 kilos.(Pexels)
Brittany McCrystal is a weight loss coach who lost 25 kilos.(Pexels)

Brittany shared her experience of being obsessed with her weight and continuously checking her body weight on the scales. This led to a toxic relationship with food. “I was solely focused on the number on the scale, chasing the lowest number without realising it wasn’t reflective of my true health. I became consumed by what I ate, leading to a toxic relationship with food and a constant feeling of control, but when I reached that number, I had been aiming for, I was miserable. I lost my period, my hair was falling out, and I was so moody ALL the time. I would have episodes where I would binge because I was so restrictive with myself,” shared Brittany.

However, then she focused on the brighter part and started healing her relationship with food. Here are six lessons Brittany shared about weight loss.

The scale is not a measurement of success:

The scale merely calculates the body weight. However, weight loss goes beyond it. It helps in fat loss and muscle building. It is important that we see our weight loss progress beyond the numbers displayed on the weighing scale. Also read | Weight loss coach shares 9 tips to lose up to 20 kilos in just 12 weeks

Stop being insecure about your body:

Brittany shared that when our mind plays games and starts making us feel insecure about our bodies, weight loss can mean nothing at all. It is important to start accepting ourselves the way we are and be comfortable in our own bodies.

Failures are important lessons:

Failures and setbacks are natural in weight transformation journey. Instead of seeing them as drawbacks, we should start learning from them.

Weight loss isn’t a magic pill for self-love:

A lot of people have the notion that weight loss can make us love ourselves. But that’s not true. It is not a magic pill that can instantly make us love and care for ourselves. Self-love is a journey of understanding ourselves better. Also read | Woman who dropped 9 kilos in 3 months, shares 7 tips for faster weight loss before June 2025

Balance is the key:

When we start restricting ourselves from indulging in our favourite foods, that’s when we trigger the mind to crave the foods more. We can occasionally have a cheat meal as well. Balance is the key to weight loss.

Weight loss is a lifestyle change:

Instead of seeing weight loss as a 8-12 week project, we should start viewing it as a lifelong journey of making the right choice about diet and lifestyle.

Note to readers: This article is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions about a medical condition.

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