Three women centenarians say that the secret to long life isn’t diet and exercise, BUT…..

Three women centenarians say that the secret to long life isn't diet and exercise, BUT.....

For years scientists have tried to find a pattern in the lives of people who live long. What is it that keeps them healthy and strong while other succumb to disease and death at a similar aga? Have you ever wondered what is the secret to a long, fruitful life? While science says it is taking care of your body, good nutrition and exercise, three female centenarians beg to differ! Here’s how…

Recently, content creator Yair Brachiyahu interviewed three women on their longevity. While two are 100 and 101 years old, the third person is 90. According to them, the secret to a long, fruitful life isn’t rooted in diet and exercise (their views), but rather a stress-free life.
Do everything wrong

One of the women, who was 100 years old, when asked what is the secret to being 100, said, “Do everything wrong, don’t have diet coke, have regular coke, don’t exercise, and most importantly, don’t worry”. She further went on to add that she likes coffee, has ice cream ‘all the time’, and still drinks alcohol.


Have a good social life
The other woman, who was the oldest at 101, said, ” I read a lot, at least two books a day. I enjoy life, we used to go out a lot to theatres. I love to dance, and we lead a nice social life.” When asked about food, the woman said she has anything and everything.

Taking care of yourself
The youngest woman of the group, who was 90, said that she is a ‘vain’ person who would never leave her house without makeup. She also said that even if she is alone at home, she would like to do makeup, because it makes her feel good about herself.


How did the internet react?
While some netizens agreed with the women, the others begged to differ. One person wrote, “The key I hear from all of them is 1. Love yourself, 2. Love ur life, 3. Don’t stress in your life, just live it, and 4. Be yourself.” Another added, “The key is financial independence.” A third said, “I really enjoy your interviews! Thank you for sharing and thank you to all of the elders that share their stories with you!” A fourth wrote, “Don’t exercise??? Bad advice there! Smh.”

Our take
While it is important to live a stress-free life, it is equally important to take care of your body and nutrition. These women were born at a time, when life was slow, relatively stress-free, the air was cleaner, and the food, so fresh. Hence, one must not use their age as a benchmark for longevity. Instead it is important to take care of these things.. (and all the more when you grow older)


While an occasional treat is okay (and welcome to break the monotony), stick to your regular ‘ghar ka khana’ most of the days. Have lots of fruits and vegetables, and go easy on the oils, spices, sugar and red meats.
Just 30 minutes a day is enough to keep that heart in top notch shape. Unless you are trying to lose weight or build muscle, 30-45 minutes of brisk exercise of your choice is an excellent way to get those muscles moving.


Prioritize sleep. It might be difficult everyday, given the stressful nature of our existence, but do not slack on that. Aim for at least 7 hours of undisturbed sleep per night.
Live stress-free
This one is the most important, yet most difficult to follow. Do not take everything to heart. Think less, and do more. Remember, each problem has a solution, when thought of in a calm, composed way.

In a nutshell

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