NTPC Green Energy IPO: The allotment of shares for the applicants of NTPC Green Energy IPO hs been finalised. Applicants can check NTPC Green Energy IPO allotment status online by logging in at the BSE website or the official website of KFin Technologies, the official registrar of the public issue.
Meanwhile, after remaining at par in the grey market, NTPC Green Energy shares are trading at a premium again. According to stock market observers, NTPC Green Energy shares are trading at a premium of ₹4 in today’s grey market.
NTPC Green Energy IPO GMP today
As mentioned above, NTPC Green Energy IPO GMP (Grey Market Premium) today is ₹4, ₹2 higher than the weekend’s NTPC Green Energy IPO GMP of ₹2. Market observers believe the rise in the grey market sentiment can be attributed to the trend reversal in the Indian stock market. They said that frontline indices of Dalal Street witnessed a decent pullback rally on Friday that probably trickled down in the unlisted stock market. They expected more improvement in the grey market sentiments regarding NTPC Green Energy IPO if the secondary market continues to ride with the current tide.
NTPC Green Energy IPO allotment status check
As mentioned above, after the NTPC Green Energy IPO allotment status announcement, a bidder can check one’s application status online by logging in at the BSE or the KFin Technologies website. For more convenience, they can log in at the direct BSE link—bseindia.com/investors/appli_check.aspx — or at the direct KFin Technologies link — kosmic.kfintech.com/ipostatus.
NTPC Green Energy IPO allotment status check BSE
1] Login at the direct BSE link — bseindia.com/investors/appli_check.aspx;
2] Select ‘Equity’ in the issue type option;
3] Select ‘NTPC Green Energy Limited’;
4] Fill the application number or PAN card details in the given space;
5] Click on ‘I’m not a robot’ and
6] Click on the ‘Search’ option.
Your NTPC Green Energy IPO allotment status will appear on your computer monitor or mobile phone screen.
NTPC Green Energy IPO allotment status check KFin Tech
1] Login at the direct KFintech weblink;
2] Select ‘NTPC Green Energy Limited’;
3] Select either of ‘Application No., Demat Account or PAN’;
4] Enter Application Number;
6] Click on the ‘Submit’ button.
Your NTPC Green Energy IPO allotment status will appear on your computer monitor or mobile phone screen.