I’m in the gym with semi-clad young women. Where do I look?

I monitored the intergenerational (millennials versus Zedders) spat over exercise clothing with interest. The Millies (basically in their thirties or early forties) are said to favour “tight-on-tight” gym and running gear: leggings, crop tops, contour-hugging vests. The much maligned Gen Zed (or Zee if you’re American), in their teens and twenties, prefer baggier, less showy-offy stuff. What we in the fashion biz call “a looser silhouette”, if you will.

Where, I ask myself, at 60, born as the baby boom gave way to Generation X (although it is important to remind ourselves that these categories are entirely made up), does this divide leave me?

Uncomfortable, is my instant answer. At my gym, whose patrons are three-quarters women in their twenties and thirties, I often feel

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