Fitness Influencer Obnoxiously Exercises On Emirates Flight

I’m not sure what’s worse — that this woman thought this was appropriate, or that she was so proud of it that she wanted to show off online.

Influencer exercises in Emirates business class

Barbara de Regil is a 37-year-old Mexican fitness influencer, who has over nine million followers on Instagram. She was recently on a “35-hour flight” with her husband, and explained she felt like she was going “crazy” from sitting so long, so she decided to exercise to release some energy.

So she posted a video of herself exercising in Emirates’ Boeing 777 business class, even while wearing the carrier’s pajamas. In a video posted to her Instagram (which has since been deleted), she can be seen running in place, doing squat jumps, etc.

Let me of course note that there’s no such thing as a 35-hour flight. It seems she was flying to the United States on Emirates, so presumably she had a connection in Dubai, and 35 hours was her total travel time. She could have spent some time during her layover releasing some energy, but instead she decided to do it on a flight.

This is so beyond inconsiderate that I can’t even

Let’s discuss this constructively for a moment. Hey, I totally get that sitting for long periods of time (even in a premium cabin) can be kind of uncomfortable. That’s basically the story of my life, so I can relate. 😉 With that in mind, there are reasonable ways to get your blood flowing and some movement, and also ways that are unreasonable and inconsiderate.

She could have done some basic yoga and stretching in her seat, or she could have even gone on a brief walk around the plane. But literally jumping up and down with full force is possibly the most bizarre behavior I’ve ever seen someone engage in while “showing off” how good of a job they’re doing. This is totally disruptive to anyone seated near her, and you absolutely feel the movement of the floor of the plane if you’re seated anywhere close to where someone is doing this.

So there’s the first issue of her thinking this is appropriate, and then there’s the second issue of her showing off to her millions of followers that this is somehow a good way to release energy on a flight. By the way, the man who seems unfazed by all of this is her husband, as far as I know, which is why there’s not a reaction.

I simply can’t imagine that this went on for much longer than the video showed, without the crew getting involved and telling her to sit down. But despite that, she still needed to show off on social media about how dedicated she is to her fitness, at everyone else’s expense.

Bottom line

A Mexican fitness influencer was going “crazy” on her “35-hour” Emirates flight, so she decided to exercise during the flight. Rather than quietly stretching in her seat, she exercised in the most disruptive way possible, by running in place, doing jumping squats, etc.

Folks, please use this as an example of how not to act on a plane…

What do you make of this fitness influencer’s inflight workout?

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