CrossFit Open Workout 25.2 Analysis

The second workout of the 2025 CrossFit Open was a repeat of 22.3. It included double-unders, thrusters of increasing weights, pull-ups, chest-to-bar pull-ups, and bar muscle-ups. The workout had a challenging 12-minute time cap, and athletes who did not finish the workout in time posted scores of how many reps they completed.

Unlike 25.1, which had no high-skill movements or heavy loads, 25.2 included several challenging elements. By starting the workout with a pull-up, any athlete without that skill was forced to choose the scaled or foundations version. With an increasing thruster weight, that movement got more difficult as the workout went on. It was a similar story on the pull-up bar, with each round demanding a more advanced skill than the one before.

By far, the biggest challenge of this workout was the bar muscle-ups. An impressive 17,985 women and 54,285 men were able to perform at least one bar muscle-up.


25.2 vs 22.3

This workout was last seen three years ago during 22.3. Overall, the results this time around were surprisingly similar. In the lower half of the field, we see almost the exact same distribution with slightly faster times in the top 25%. 

Comparing women and men on the top percentiles, we see a much larger improvement on the women’s side. For example, at the 90th percentile women improved by 24 seconds, while men only improved by 4 seconds.

25.2 vs 22.3 individuals

Performance by Country

Similar to Week 1, there were significant differences in workout version participation across top countries. The top three countries by Rx’d participation rate were South Korea with 90%, Australia with 81%, and the United States with 74%.

This was a challenging workout to finish within the time cap, so we’ll take a look at what percentage of athletes were able to finish the Rx’d version. The top countries to finish 25.2 Rx’d were South Korea with 18%, Brazil with 16%, and Australia with 15%.

Performance by Country

Workout Analysis by Division

This workout had many challenging elements, which led to fewer athletes opting to do the Rx’d version compared to 25.1. For women aged 18-34, 65% performed 25.2 as Rx’d compared to 78% on 25.1. For men aged 18-34, 86% performed 25.2 as Rx’d compared to 90% on 25.1.

Workout Analysis by Division

Given the increasing difficulty of this workout, there were many sticking points where a large number of athletes got stuck. The biggest blocker was the 157th rep, which was the first bar muscle-up. A total of 27% of Rx’d women aged 16-54 and 11% of Rx’d men aged 16-54 finished the workout with 156 reps, unable to complete a bar muscle-up. This is reflected in the graph below with the large concentration of athletes running out of time on the section with 18 thrusters.

There was also a large group of athletes who completed at least one bar muscle-up, but were not able to complete them all. On the men’s side, more athletes finished the workout somewhere in the 15 bar muscle-ups than within the 18 thrusters.

Finishing the Rx’d version of this workout was very challenging, with only 12% of women and 21% of men completing all the reps within the time cap.

25.2 rx'd distribution

Community Cup Tiers

For the 2025 CrossFit Games season, the Community Cup is the next step after the Open. The tier you compete against in the Community Cup is based on the level you receive after completing and submitting scores for all three workouts in the Open.

The table below gives you an idea where your score on 25.2 would put you in terms of tiers. For example, Women aged 55+ need a time faster than 8:21 to make it into the Advanced tier on 25.2.

Community Cup Tiers

Percentiles by Division and Version

Below are percentile tables for individuals, masters, and teenagers with details for each version of the workout. You can see the breakdown of how many reps or how much time it took to achieve a particular percentile. For example, for Rx’d men aged 45-49, a score of 166 reps got you into the 75th percentile.

These percentiles are comparing you against your division and workout version, which is different from your overall division percentile (compared against all versions combined).

Percentiles by division - individuals

Percentiles by division - Teens

Percentiles by division - masters women

Percentiles by division - masters men

*The data used for this article is from the official CrossFit Open submissions.

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