Single Bouts of HIIT Exercise Boost Brain Power

Summary: New research finds that even single bouts of intense exercise can improve cognitive performance in young adults, particularly in memory, attention, and executive functioning. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and cycling yielded the most substantial cognitive benefits, especially when lasting under 30 minutes. While the cognitive boost was modest, it suggests that brief, vigorous exercise…

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Yoga for runners: 7 poses you must try

Do you enjoy running? You should include yoga in your daily routine. Yoga for runners is important as it can provide strength and stamina. Whether you are a marathon runner or casual jogger, you must know your body’s limitations. Running is great for your health and if you enjoy running, you probably like to set…

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Can whooping cough be life-threatening?

Whooping cough can catch one off guard. Why it isn’t diagnosed at an early stage has a lot to do with its early flu-like symptoms that don’t raise an alarm. It is this stealthy nature of whooping cough that could spell trouble, especially for infants many of whom do not even cough at all. Instead,…

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