I’m a certified trainer and if I wanted to build core strength and improve my balance this is the workout I’d do

Want to level up your workout without adding more weight? Unilateral exercises (single-side movements) are a great way to make exercises more challenging and you don’t need extra equipment to do them. These exercises offer plenty of benefits. Targeting one side of the body at a time isolates muscles, which can help correct muscle imbalances,…

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Everything You Need to Know About the Solidcore Workout

My first foray into Pilates evoked images of airy, cream-colored studios with cushy, inviting reformers and long, lean, perfectly poised bodies seemingly floating through soft movements. I used to write off Pilates as a “rest-day workout,” back when I wrongly equated a workout’s effectiveness with how much I sweat (the more, the better); Pilates was too…

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