Bihar Girl Opts For Marriage On The Way To Board Exam | Watch

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A girl in Bihar chose to marry her boyfriend on the way to her board exam, prioritising love over academic pressure. The spontaneous act was captured on video and went viral on social media

The boyfriend captured this impromptu 'sindoor' ceremony on video and shared it on social media, where it quickly gained traction and went viral. (News18 Hindi)

The boyfriend captured this impromptu ‘sindoor’ ceremony on video and shared it on social media, where it quickly gained traction and went viral. (News18 Hindi)

It’s Board exam season across India and the pressure is palpable. While every exam holds significance, the weight of Board exams brings a unique anxiety. Students lose sleep, some even struggle to eat, consumed by the pressure to perform well.

This pressure extends to parents as well, who make promises and emphasise the consequences of poor results. The message for many girls is clear: succeed in exams or marry. However, marriage eclipsed the importance of Board exams for one young woman in Bihar. She chose to marry her lover before even reaching the examination centre.

An Unexpected Turn

On February 22, amidst the Bihar Board English exam, a video surfaced on social media, captivating viewers. It featured a girl en route to her exam, encountering her boyfriend along the way. In a spontaneous act of commitment, the boyfriend applied sindoor to the girl’s forehead, a symbol of marriage in India.

The girl, beaming with joy, embraced the moment. The boyfriend captured this impromptu sindoor ceremony on video and shared it on social media, where it quickly gained traction and went viral.

Elopements And Marriages During Board Exams: A Recurring Theme In Bihar

Bihar frequently witnesses elopements and marriages during the Board exam season. The pressure on girls to either excel academically or face arranged marriages creates a climate of fear and desperation.

Faced with challenging exam papers, many girls, already resigned to the belief that they will fail, choose love over imposed unions. They opt to marry their boyfriends instead of succumbing to the pressure of marrying someone their parents have chosen.

The decision for girls to choose marriage over continuing their education is a complex and deeply personal one. It may provide short-term stability, emotional support and joy, but one should realise that it can also hamper personal growth and limit long-term career opportunities and economic independence.

When one chooses an early marriage over pursuing further education, there is the possibility of losing one’s ability to support oneself financially and make decisions more independently in the future.

News viral Bihar Girl Opts For Marriage On The Way To Board Exam | Watch

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