Instagram fitness influencer Meggan Grubb’s surprisingly simple morning routine will change your life

The juggle is real for business owner, mum and fitness queen Meggan Grubb. No two days are the same for Meggan but there’s more focus than ever on perfecting her morning routine. Here’s how she manages to find time to workout, stay well and care for her 18-month-old, Winnie…

“My morning routine really can vary with my 18-month-old daughter, but an ideal morning would probably be to get myself up 30 minutes before she wakes up, get myself sorted, and then her sorted,” Meggan says. “I am a big fan of the Free Soul Greens, so I always start my day with an icy glass of water with the greens added in, along with my multivitamins. I feel so accomplished doing that in the mornings, it feels like I’ve ticked something off straight away!”

Meggan is a mother of one
Meggan is a mother of one

“Since reverting back to overnight oats, I’ve noticed how much more energy I have for the day ahead”

The all-important question is, what’s for breakfast? She tells us it’s game-changing. “I have my coffee and overnight oats from the fridge, which personally has changed the game for me breakfast wise. I stopped prepping them for a while and would often skip breakfast or have it super late in the morning, just because I couldn’t decide what to make or have the time to make something substantial. Since reverting back to overnight oats, I’ve noticed how much more energy I have for the day ahead with a properly fuelled breakfast, and I actually look forward to it when I wake up too.”

Being a mum has changed Meggan’s routine, but it’s actually for the better, she says. “My morning routine has changed in a sense that I have to be more organised. I wake up earlier than I used to, and if I want some time for myself before ‘mum mode’ begins. However, I don’t mind that! It feels productive and starts my day off nicely when I wake up early and do something for me before the house wakes up too.

Getting up to exercise starts Meggan's day off on the right foot
Getting up to exercise starts Meggan’s day off on the right foot

Getting up early has been made easier by Meggan focusing on quality sleep. “Keeping my phone away from the bedroom is a big one for me. I’ve noticed how bad the quality of my sleep can be as I would scroll too close to bedtime. So, I keep my phone on charge downstairs overnight as it means it’s not the first thing I do in the morning. It’s such a small habit, but it makes such a huge difference to my mindset each day.”

The 29-year-old has three million followers across her social media platforms (myself included), and they turn to her for workout inspiration and health and wellness tips. She encourages others to get up early to exercise too, but she reminds people that “movement doesn’t need to be an hour long at the gym; you can move anywhere, and 20 minutes is a perfect amount of time to exercise well,” making it sound much more manageable.

“20 minutes is a perfect amount of time to exercise well”

“I think it’s important to ensure you enjoy the exercise you choose to do. If you’re hating it every day and forcing yourself to do a certain style of movement that simply doesn’t work for you, then you’re not going to be able to stick to it. Try Pilates, weightlifting, Hyrox, running; none are better than the other, but one of them will make your heart sing.”

The 29-year-old has three million followers
The 29-year-old has three million followers

Post-sweat sesh, there’s the external glow-up thanks to Meggan’s beloved L’Oréal Glotion. “Honestly, it makes me look alive! It’s a tinted moisturiser that gives me an instant tan and a glow”.

“I think it’s important to ensure you enjoy the exercise you choose to do”

But nothing beats the glow of summer for this ray of sunshine. “I think at heart I am a summer gal; I should have been born an Aussie, I’m sure of it. The sun and active lifestyles are everything, and I think the sun just makes me happy and can really dictate my mood, which is why I hibernate in January as much as possible.”

Meggan Grubb is the Founder of Beyond and @beyondapp. The website and app offer an inclusive, uplifting space designed to improve both physical and mental wellbeing.

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