If you’re a regular viewer of ITV’s Lorraine, you’ll be familiar with the show’s resident fitness expert, Shakira Akabusi.
A bundle of energy and optimism, Shakira frequently lights up our TV screens offering easy-to-follow advice and inspiration when it comes to fitness and health.
As well as being a constant source of optimism for women looking for accessible, effective workouts, Shakira is also mum to four children, leading us to wonder how she manages to maintain her inimitable energy – so when we ran into her earlier this month, we immediately grilled her on her morning habits for endless energy.
“No one morning is the same but I do have a personal routine that helps me manage the school rush without feeling overwhelmed and stressed,” Shakira begins. “This is an achievement considering when my first son was born, I suffered from extreme anxiety and severe OCD.
“This impacted so many areas of my life, however, thankfully I have managed to recover by using holistic methods. After five years of talk therapy and lifestyle changes (my morning routine being one of them) I now have a much healthier approach to stress and getting the day started right. Here’s how I begin the day…”
1. Reverse lie-ins
I’m a big fan of the reverse lie-in – which is simply going to bed early. My morning routine starts at night.
I used to get into bad habits and use technology late into the night, working while the kids were asleep or cleaning the house. But now I try, where possible, to ban technology in the bedroom and switch my phone and laptop off by 9.30 pm. This gives me an hour before bed to unwind.
The human body has crucial sleep hours, where our melatonin stores increase and our stress glands reset. These hours are between 10 pm to 2 am, so we want to make sure we have logged off by this time and allow our bodies to rest and recharge.
DISCOVER: I changed one step of my bedtime routine – and I’m sleeping better than ever
2. Morning quiet time
More often than not, I’m awake by 6am, waiting for the rest of the house to get up, trying my best not to start a conversation with my ‘evening person’ husband next to me!
As someone who has an active and busy life, I have grown to value these quiet moments before everyone else wakes up. With four children, it’s not long before chaos ensues, so I love this hour when I have time to relax and practice mindfulness and plan for the day ahead.
I have a habit of waking up with my brain already thinking of 10 different things and I instantly want to get to work, but I’ve tried to slow down and always begin my day with a short meditation or prayer and a glass of warm lemon water.
I spend a few minutes breathing, praying and meditating. Deep breathing stimulates the production of a hormone called serotonin, which boosts our energy and improves our mood. I then still get things ticked off my to-do list, but with a calmer approach.
I started this habit a few years ago and it’s been revolutionary in changing my mindset and approach to a busy day. This time is so special to me and is important to sustaining a healthy lifestyle.
With a history of OCD and anxiety, I know that having the right mindset first thing will impact how I can handle the busy schedule I have during the day.
ADVICE: This simple hack helps me manage midlife overwhelm
3. Morning workout
Three mornings a week I go for an early morning jog or head to the gym, with a friend if I can find someone to join me.
Exercising first thing is great for the body. Not only do our hormones provide us with a natural energy spike first thing, which wakes us up, but the actual process of exercise and movement creates more energy within the body. So if you tend to start your days feeling sluggish, you might want to try getting active, which can boost your energy and focus for the day.
I really enjoy lifting weights and as a women’s health trainer, I know how important resistance training is for our overall health, including supporting our metabolism, brain function, bone health, energy and muscle mass.
On the other days, I use this time to start on some work or read. I find that my mind can focus better first thing and I can get so much done. It feels peaceful and productive and I always feel positive afterwards.
Shortly after my workout, the kids wake up and our house turns into somewhat of a stampede. Then it’s breakfast and the seemingly endless task of putting together four lunch boxes.
READ: How I reframed my 5am wake-up time once I hit my 50s
4. A good breakfast
The third part of my routine is to have a good breakfast. I remember learning about the importance of eating in a calm environment in order to aid better digestion.
I can’t claim that our family breakfast is calm, however we do try to eat together. And on days when it’s been too hectic to eat with the kids (I’m usually the one rushing around getting things ready), I like to eat when I get home from the school run.
Everyone eats something nutritious! I love to make a simple yogurt bread recipe. It only takes a few minutes and goes down well with the kids. Other mornings we make eggs, yogurts or toast and the kids’ favourite, every Wednesday is ‘Waffle Wednesday!’
Overall, my morning routine serves as a great reminder of what’s really important in life. When things are busy or work seems stressful, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, however, these moments are a daily reminder to breathe, slow down and actually appreciate and enjoy each day.