I’m a personal trainer who spends a lot of time helping clients stretch out tight hamstrings (the muscles on the back of thighs). It’s a common problem for runners and hikers—but it’s an issue for people who spend a lot of time sitting, too.
Having tight hamstrings can cause all kinds of problems. If they’re really tight, these muscles can pull the back of the pelvis down, leading to a posterior pelvic tilt. This imbalance puts stress on your lower back and causes strain throughout lower-body joints and muscles, too.
While there’s no quick fix, regular stretching and mobility work can help. I like this option from performance coach Faris Khan, which he claims is “one of the greatest exercises I’ve ever done to help with tight hamstrings.”
How to do Faris Khan’s hamstring stretch
All you need to do this move is a corner wall.
- Lie on your back, with one leg up the edge of the wall and the other on the floor.
- Slowly, bring the lower leg up so it’s in line with the elevated leg, then lower again.
- Repeat and switch legs.
In his Instagram post, Khan says: “Drive the heel of the elevated leg into the wall and your back into the floor. As the opposite leg comes down the core will activate and you will feel an incredible stretch on the elevated leg.”
Why it’s important to have strong, healthy hamstrings
Stretching hamstrings can alleviate tightness but it’s important to strengthen these muscles, too. As these muscles stabilize the pelvis and support the lower back, they play a big role in posture and balance.
Hamstrings are also responsible for knee flexion (bending) and hip extension, so strengthening them makes everyday movements like walking, climbing and standing up from a chair easier. For runners, hamstring strength helps generate power and force during the push-pull phase of your stride, meaning you can extend the hip joint further and run faster.
To strengthen these muscles, try adding moves like a deadlift or kettlebell swing into your regular workouts.